Best Blueberry Recipes
These are our best Blueberry Recipes from The Wilderness Wife Blog. Maybe its because we are from Maine where blueberries grow in abundance, but we love those juicy little indigo fruits.Whether its Blueberry Buckle or Blueberry Cobbler, or Blueberry Jam and Blueberry Syrup, we're the place to come to find the best Blueberry Recipes,the best ways to preserve and freeze blueberries, and how to grow blueberries in your backyard or garden.
How to Grow Blueberries
According to the Old Farmers Almanac blueberries are one of the easiest fruits to grow in your yard. Couple that fact with the fact that they are incredibly healthy for you,a few blueberry plants are an attractive and beneficial addition to your landscape. Although thought of as a northern plant, there are varieties that will grow in the south.
There are both high-bush and low bush varieties. Both require a somewhat acidic soil (a PH of 5.5 to 5.5), and like a very porous soil for their shallow roots system. Blueberry Bushes like moisture so they don't mind being in wetter areas that drain well. They do not do well in soil that has a heavy clay content but soils can be amended before planting. They like a sunny, sheltered spot and it is best to buy plants that are 2-3 years old.
Storing Your Fresh Picked Blueberries
Do not wash your blueberries when you are going to store them. You should pick them over to get rid of any that are soft and have wrinkly skins. The put them in a covered bowl or storage container and they will keep in the fridge for about 14 days. You can freeze blueberries in freezer bags or plastic freezer containers but be sure not to wash them as this can make the skins tough when they are thawed out.
Are Blueberries healthy?
Blueberries are very high in fiber. There is no cholesterol so they are very beneficial for heart health. They also contain potassium, folate, Vitamins c and B6, and antioxidants. They are low in calories. With all that going for them they are one of the healthiest foods you can eat.