The hummingbirds are back looking for my hummingbird food recipe!
My homemade hummingbird food recipe must be the favorite in the entire neighborhood. I know I am not the only person around here that feeds the hummingbirds. This morning my feeder was empty after only 2 days. In addition to that, I see them out here fighting over the feeder. Now I am not going to say that the hummingbird feeder manufacturers are trying to mislead the general public with false advertising. But every feeder display carton always shows a flock of hummingbirds gathered around the feeder happily enjoying feeding together. That's not what happens here in the Maine Northwoods. Either we have the most greedy and aggressive hummingbirds in the world or somebody is Photo-shopping those images for their product packaging.

Hummingbirds Love the Color Red!!
I stepped out onto the back porch, wearing a red t shirt last Wednesday. The result was I got dive bombed by an overzealous hummer! He came right at me and hovered about a foot away checking me out. He must have thought I was a humongous mega-flower loaded with nectar. Sorry little birdy! I'm not that sweet. We have had a cold, wet, late spring here in northern Maine. Because of the spring there aren't many flowers around yet so the little fellas are hungry and desperate.

The Care and Feeding of the Hummingbirds - Cleanliness is Important
So it was time to get the hummingbird feeders out and give then a thorough cleaning. First, I soak them in hot soapy water with a little bleach added to get rid of any bacteria or fungus from last year. Every fall I clean them before I put them away. I just feel better if I do it again before I put them out for the new season. I want to be a blessing to the little hummingbirds and not kill them with sloppy kindness. Feeding hummingbirds is a responsibility. You don't just put the feeders out and forget about them. They must be watched, and maintained for the season. Hummingbirds are very susceptible to fungal diseases. The warm, syrupy food in their feeders is the perfect breeding ground for those deadly molds and bacteria. So the hummingbird food must be changed frequently. Each time that you replace it, you must thoroughly clean the feeder. It is better not to feed them at all if you are not going to be dependable and fastidious in your feeding efforts. And I have found that my hummingbird food recipe is very popular with the local hummingbirds.
The Rewards of Feeding Hummingbirds with our Hummingbird Food Recipe
Your careful efforts will be rewarded. There is nothing more adorable than the little hummers as they hover over a feeder on a warm summer afternoon. Hummingbirds are attracted to the colors red and orange. But it is not necessary to use red food coloring in their food mixture. The red food coloring could be harmful to their health. As long as the hummingbird feeder you are using is red, they will easily find it. The hummingbirds are so tiny and delicate. But the hummingbirds we have frequenting our feeders are also very ferocious in protecting their territory and feeder. I do marvel at the videos I see on YouTube like the one below that show 50+ hummingbirds all feeding together. Our little guys aggressively chase each other all over the yard when there is more than one at the feeder at a time. I put out multiple feeders in different places all over the yard but they still fight over them.

Best Easy Homemade Hummingbird Food Recipe
Why buy "packaged" hummingbird food when you can save money by easily making your own. You can make gallons of this homemade hummingbird food quickly and easily and it's very inexpensive - just pennies for a gallon of it. No chemical dyes or preservatives so you are giving your little birds a healthier product.
- Prep Time: 5 mins
- Cook Time: 2 mins
- Total Time: 7 mins
1 cup sugar
4 cups water
In a medium saucepan, mix sugar into water.
Bring to a boil while stirring to dissolve sugar.
Boil for a couple of minutes and then let cool.
Extra solution can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Heather @GeminiRed Creations says
We always have hummingbirds in the yard and at the feeders. We will have to try this. Thanks for sharing on #SmallVictoriesSundayLinkup 5/24/15
Theresa @DearCreatives says
We get a lot of hummingbirds. I love feeding them but, have never tired by hand. Thanks for sharing the recipe and nature post at the party. Pinned & shared.
All that's Jas says
We saw our first one back this year a week ago. We've been making their food just as your recipe. They are so fun to watch! Thank you so much for sharing at Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop!
Joy @ Yesterfood says
Oh, this is a great idea- it's one of my features at Treasure Box Tuesday this week! Thank you for linking up with us, Sheryl! 🙂
Angela McKinney says
Love this! I was kissed by a humming bird on my cheek when I was a kid. I really love watching them and we used to go to the mountains here in Colorado to a friends house and watch them. Glad you shared at #HomeMattersParty
Tammy says
I use this same recipe. Never did add the red color. When I lived in Georgia we had so many hummers that came to our feeders and had to fill them every morning. Now here in Florida, I have a couple. But we are the stopping area for them to rest before migrating up north. I am featuring your post on Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop this Wednesday. Thanks for the great post.
Cathy says
My hubby has been making his own Hummingbird food for several years. We just love when they come back each year and sit and watch them for hours. Thank you for sharing your lovely post with Share It One More Time. Cathy
Evija says
This is such a lovely post, such a lovely video too. Thank you for sharing and joining our Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday Link Party.. Have a great day, co-host Evija @Fromevijawithlove
Candy says
I had no idea it would be so easy to make hummingbird food! My daughter & I will definitely be making this soon. Thanks so much for sharing your recipe with us at Coffee and Conversation. 🙂
Tracy @ Our Simple Homestead says
This post would be a perfect addition to the new Our Simple Homestead Hop if you would like to share it with us!
Stella Lee@ Purfylle says
I had to pin this too. I bet our honey eaters would love it just as much as the hummingbirds.
Brandi Clevinger says
That's so neat! The video makes it look so easy, but I hope I can do it. taht would be so cool for my kids to try.
Thanks for sharing! I found your recipe at Small Victories Sunday Link up!
JOY says
Thanks for posting this recipe. I've pinned it so I don't have too look it up anymore. I especially enJOYed the hand feeding video.
Lori Who Needs A Cape? says
LOVE Hummingbirds, thanks for the great post. Found on Practically Functional 🙂
Would love to have you link this up at our SUPER SUNDAY Link Party:
Not Your Average Super Moms!
sue says
We go through 10 pounds of sugar a week here in TN. They are great entertainment! Thanks for sharen with us at One Sharendipity Pl. this weekend!
Jutta@HungryLittleGirl says
I love seeing recipes for animals, I had no idea you could make something for Hummingbirds!
Thank you for sharing this at Wednesday Extravaganza - Hope to see you there again next week 🙂
Katherines Corner says
Awesome! We have a few hummingbirds that love our petunias 🙂
Madonna/aka/Ms. Lemon says
Planting flowers that have tube-like flowers, preferably red will attract them also. I used to put up a feeder, then I had to deal with ants. Although I have heard if you spread Vaseline on the hanger wire will cause them to get stuck and leave the nectar for the birds.
DeDe@DesignedDecor says
I love watching them, except I cant have any type of bird feeders, my outdoor cat is a good hunter! I dont mind when she catches a mouse, but the birds break the heart!
Stacy @Stacy Makes Cents says
Visiting from Weekend Wonders at The Thriftiness Miss....this is a great post. I'm passing it along to my Mama who LOVES her hummingbirds. 🙂
debra@ HOMESPUN says
So far I have seen a little hummer come about five times ....thanks for the recipe/ I'll use the home made one next time 🙂
Jenna says
I just love hummingbirds! They are so pretty! Thanks for partying with us at Give Me The Goods Monday!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof
Amanda says
Woo hoo, thank you for the recipe! I had one I used a long time ago, but have since misplaced it. Thanks so much!
Found you through the Favorite Things Blog Hop 🙂
Sheryl T says
I hope your hummers love it the way mine do!
KC @ The Real Thing with the Coake Family says
Gorgeous pictures of the hummingbirds! Love seeing them. For some reason, we only seem to see them in the fall here. We are supposed to see them in spring as well, but we never do. I use the same recipe you do and they eat it up (so do the!).
Take care,
Sheryl T says
I get the bees too! But I don't mind. They are very beneficial to my garden and make sure that every blossom gets pollinated.
Linda says
I have a few hummers, but nothIng like you. Your pics are awesome. Thanks you for sharing at What'd You Do This Weekend? I hope you will come back often and share.
Wishes for tasty dishes,
Tumbleweed Contessa
Lynn H says
Wonderful post:) I look forward to the hummingbirds every spring~ Living on a small lake in Northern WI, I love to watch birds and ducks:) Last year we had a pair of Trumpeter Swans, and I love the Loons~ Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines
Sheryl T says
I love listening to loons call to each other. The variety of vocalizations is amazing. They definitely have their own language! The first time I ever heard a loon was on a camping trip when I was about 10. It was at night and I was huddled in my tent and was so scared because I thought it was some maniac out cackling in the woods!
Vickie says
I love watching the hummingbirds! I don't put out feeders because I wouldn't be able to keep up with them, and I certainly don't want to harm them, so I won't be using the recipe. But thanks for the great pictures and videos anyway!
Robin says
I've always wanted to put hummingbird feeders in the yard, but never really knew how to make the juice. Thanks for coming by and partying with us at Fluster Buster's Creative Muster.
Robin @ Fluster Buster
zentMRS - Love in the Ktchen says
I love our hummingbirds too (my son called them honey-birds when he was young and that name has stuck for us)! We don't get the Ruby Throated - we get Anna's. Surprisingly, though, they look very similar. I'd love for you to bring this to Tuesday's Table -
QMM says
Our hummers have been slow in coming here in central Ky. I did not know you could have more than one that close together. Great post.
LydiaF says
Wow learn something new everyday. I didn't know hummingbirds migrated that far North. I appreciated your emphasis on keeping the feeders clean.
Sheryl T says
I really stress this because if one does not maintain clean feeders, they will be killing the hummingbirds with kindness.
Happy Valley Chow says
Funny story....when I was little my mom made a thing of hummingbird food and kept it in the fridge, unlabeled (who knows why). So I poured myself a glass thinking it was koolaid...definitely wasn't haha. Thanks for sharing!
Happy Blogging!
Happy Valley Chow
Robin says
I'm always happy when I read a recipe that doesn't call for red food coloring, especially when the writer comments that it isn't good for the birds (and kids!). Great blog. I always enjoy reading your stories.
Sheryl T says
The hummingbirds are attracted to the color red but if the feeder is already red, there is no need to color the syrup.I think that we should be careful when feeding any wild thing and provide them with the best care if we are so bold as to choose to intervene in the natural world. Another pet peeve of mine is when people feed wild birds seeds and then never bother to clean out the feeder or remove the seed "waste" from the ground. Birds can be susceptible to diseases that lurk in all that waste.